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Q: Is there a finite amount of wind?
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Difference between active and passive elements?

Active components can deliver a finite amount of power for some finite amount of time period where passive components can not deliver finite amount of power for some finite amount of time.

Is there a finite number of smells?

The number of smells is extremely large and probably incalculable. There is a finite amount of matter in the universe, thus a finite amount of olfactory sensations.

What sentence can you use with Finite in it?

Example sentence - There is a finite amount of monies in the account.

Use in sentence the word finite?

Every computer has a finite amount of memory.

Is there an infinite amount of energy available for use?

No, there is a finite amount of energy in the universe. However, renewable energy sources like solar, wind, and hydroelectric power can be continuously replenished and harnessed for human use.

A example of a finite amount of time?

An example of a finite amount of time is having a short time frame to complete a task.

What is an example sentence for the word finite?

Coal is a finite resource on Earth.The finite resources will eventually run out.

What is a sentence using the word finite?

Every body got an finite amount of candy for Halloween.

Who proved that there are an infinite amount of phone numbers?

It was presumably proven when it was discovered that there were infinitely many counting numbers. However, whoever it was, did not consider the mathematical possibility with practicality. The universe has a finite life. Within that our solar system is finite. People, in their turn, have finite lives. In a finite life you can only "dial" a finite number of digits. therefore, you can only call a number if it has a finite number of digits. For any finite number of digits, there are only a finite amount of phone numbers. So, having infinitely many telephone numbers is no use if you need to wait an infinite amount of time (longer than you'll live) for the first person to call you!

What does the word finite mean?

The word 'fintite' means that there is a limited amount of something. E.g there is a finite amount of space in one room. Another way you could think of it is that it is the opposite of infinite.

How do you know that air has mass?

Air has mass because it is made up of molecules and atoms that have mass. When air is in motion, we can feel its force and see its effects, such as when wind blows objects. Additionally, air exerts pressure on objects, which further demonstrates that it has mass.

What is the difference between finite and renewable energy?

Finite energy sources are finite in quantity and will eventually run out, such as fossil fuels like coal and oil. Renewable energy sources are constantly replenished and will not be depleted over time, such as solar, wind, and hydropower.