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wikipedia lists some of them under "Notation in probability and statistics". However, various academic disciplines have their own publication standards also. For example, if you were publishing in the field of psychology then you might be obliged to use the APA abbreviations.

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Q: Is there a list of abbreviations used in statistics?
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Is there a list for do not use medical abbreviations?

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What are all of the abbreviations?

That would be impossible to list all the known abbreviation here, as the list would be too long.

Where can you find Mr.?

You would find this in a list of abbreviations. Mr. is an abbreviation for Mister.

Types of abbreviations allowed in apa formatting?

In APA formatting, acronyms can be used as abbreviations if they are defined the first time they are used in text. Standard abbreviations like "et al." for et alia, "etc." for et cetera, "p." for page, and "vol." for volume are also commonly used. It is important to ensure that the abbreviation is widely recognized and understood by readers.

How can eliminating medical abbreviations reduce errors?

Eliminating medical abbreviations would reduce errors because many abbreviations are very similar and therefore people get confused between them, however, if abbreviations were eliminated it would make it very difficult on medical professionals who would have to write out very lengthy medical terms. That's why many organizations are developing written policies stating which abbreviations should not be used and medical professionals are trained to write legible when using other abbreviations