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If you aren't dealing with algebra, such as x2+3x+21, then completing the square wont be able to solve the porblem, however if you are using algebra, and you cannot factorise, then completing the square will always work

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Q: Is there a math problem that cannot be solved by completing the square?
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It cannot be solved because the discriminant of the quadratic equation is less than zero

Can all quadratics be solved by completing the square?

Completing the square is one method for solving a quadratic equation. A quadratic equation can also be solved by factoring, using the square roots or quadratic formula. Solving quadratic equations by completing the square will always work when solving quadratic equations-You can also use division or even simply take a GCF, set the quantities( ) equal to zero, and subtract or add to solve for the variable

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Expression: x^2 -x -12 Completing the square: (x -0.5)^2 -12.25

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A single equation such as the one in the question cannot be solved.

What does it mean in algebra to complete the square?

A quadratic equation can be solved by completing the square which gives more information about the properties of the parabola than with the quadratic equation formula.

What is the third step in solving this equation by completing the square?

Completing the square is one method for solving a quadratic equation. A quadratic equation can also be solved by several methods including factoring, graphing, using the square roots or the quadratic formula. Completing the square will always work when solving quadratic equations and is a good tool to have. Solving a quadratic equation by completing the square is used in a lot of word problems.I want you to follow the related link that explains the concept of completing the square clearly and gives some examples. that video is from brightstorm.

Solve by completing the square x2 14x -24?

the problem is not proper to slove. I just want to suggest to follow the related link that explains the concept of completing the square clearly.

Who found the quadratic formula?

It comes from completing the square of a general quadratic. Many people believe Brahmagupta first solved this in 628 AD.

How was the problem solved In the cricket in time square?

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How do you solve surd?

Surds are irrational square root numbers that cannot be solved but they can be simplified. For example the square root of 12 can be simplified to 2 times the square root of 3.

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It is -5*sqrt(X - 15) which is an expression which cannot be simplified nor solved.

What is X cubed plus plus X square root of 3?

It is an expression, in a variable x. Since it is not an equation, it cannot be solved.