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Yes. The equation for the beginning of the universes from the Big Bang has not been entirely resolved. theories have been advance by Hawking and others, but not everyone agrees with the theories. They will believe only when the mathematical proof is discovered.

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Q: Is there a math problem yet to be solved?
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pi has yet to be solved so i guess that pi is a impossible math problem.That above meaning the digits of pi. Pi is an irrational number so its digits will go forever. Not sure if that's considered a math problem, though.How about trisecting an angle using geometric constructions. That one hasn't been solved yet to my knowledge.Squaring the circle - constructing a square and a circle which have the same area, would be another one that I believe is unsolvable.

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That really depends on the type of problem, but quite often, there is more than one correct way of solving a problem.

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A number story is is a math problem in a couple sentences. For you to be able to answer the equation you have to use division

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