

Is there a name for 100 years?

Updated: 9/19/2023
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Q: Is there a name for 100 years?
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What is the name of a 100 years old person?

A centenarian is a person who is 100 years old or older.

What is the name given to a person that lives for 100 years?

A centenarian is a person who lives to be 100 years or older.

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100 years.100 years.100 years.100 years.100 years.100 years.100 years.100 years.100 years.100 years.100 years.

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The most popular boy's name of the last 100 years is John. The most popular girl's name of the last 100 years is Elizabeth.

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100 years.100 years.100 years.100 years.100 years.100 years.

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name something people sa who live to be 100 years old love sleep plenty exercise eat healthy

Can you name the players who played for Tottenham?

no they're like a 100 years old there are like a thousand players that have played or been at tottenham in a 100 years

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He is about 100+ years old and his name is Lonesome George

What types of trees live over 100 years?

There is no specific name for a tree that grows to be 100 years old. In fact, while 100 years is a long time for some tress to live, there are some species of trees that can live thousands of years.

What is the name of a volcano that erupted in the last 100 years?

It is called active.

What is another name for a year?

100 years is also called a century.