29 is a Prime number, and 60 has many numbers. the closest you'll get is 58.
Expressed in figures, this is equal to 25,960.
20% of $960 is $192.
Sixty nine and seven tenths as a mixed number = 697/10
Nine thousand sixty-seven can be written as 9,067.
four hundred and sixty-nine and twenty-one hundredths
Sixty-nine thousand, nine hundred twenty-four and two hundred twenty-nine thousandths.
The number 29569800 or 29,569,800 is "twenty-nine million, five hundred sixty-nine thousand, eight hundred."
Expressed in figures, this is equal to 25,960.
in the number minus twenty three there are minus sixty nine thirds. In the number 2/3 there are two thirds.
It is 45 69 +21 = 90 90/2 = 45
Sixty-three and twenty-nine thousandths
twenty-five and sixty-nine thousandths.
Eight hundred twenty-nine thousand, four hundred sixty-three.
It is 3,28,99,765