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Positive because it gave us our basic and natural rights.

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Q: Is there a positive or negative effect on the bill of rights in the US?
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Why did the bill of rights have little effect on the average person when it was first adopted?

The Bill of Rights had little effect on the most people when it was adopted because they were rights everyone already exercised.

Who was the president when the bill of rights took effect?

George Washington. He was president from 1789 to 1797. The Bill of Rights was ratified in 1791.

The bill of rights took effect in?


What is the date when The Bill of Rights went into effect?

Technically the "Bill of Rights" were in effect before Columbus was born; the bill of rights and its authors admit that these are rights were held long before the contemplation of the Constitution and their enumeration was to act as a protection against their violation by government or its officials.

The bill of rights that went into effect in 1791 had how many amendments?

The Bill of Rights that went into effect in 1791 had ten amendments. Since this time there has been 17 new amendments added to the Bill of Rights. Today this document contains 27 amendments.

What is the negative effect of the reproductive health bill?


How does the Bill of Rights effect people today?

The Bill of Rights is one of the founding documents of our country. Without it, we wouldn't have any rights. It's like we have our rights on paper.

When did the bill of rights go into effect?

December 15, 1791

What is the positive effect the reproductive health bill?

less abortion cases.

What president was chosen when the bill of rights took effect?

George Washington.