thats doesnt make sense
this question doesnt make sense
The question does not make sense because it has what appears to be an equation but which contains two "equals"!The question does not make sense because it has what appears to be an equation but which contains two "equals"!The question does not make sense because it has what appears to be an equation but which contains two "equals"!The question does not make sense because it has what appears to be an equation but which contains two "equals"!
A quadrilateral is a polygon with 4 sides... so if it has 4 sides it is a quadrilateral. your question doesnt make sense because a 4 sided quadrilateral could be any quadrilateral at all.
The question does not make sense.
the question doesnt make sense
your Question doesnt make sense!
question doesnt make sense.
your question doesnt make sense
the question doesnt make sense...
your question doesnt make sense.
What kind of a question is this it doesnt make any sense
Your question doesnt make sense.
Your question doesnt make sense.
your question doesnt make sense.
dude that question doesnt make sense.
this question doesnt make any sense