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Q: Is there a specified decimal place one should round to when formulating the standard deviation of the sample mean?
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What is a standardized unit that tells how far away each measurement is from the mean?

Standard deviation is a measure of the spread of data around the mean. The standardized value or z-score, tells how many standard deviations the measurement is away from the mean, and in which direction.z score = (observation - mean) / standard deviationStandard deviation is the unit measurement. This tells what the value a decimal is.

What is the decimal 17.1936 Rounded to the specified place?

The answer depends on what the specified place is!

How do you write the decimal 7.24 in standard form?

The decimal 7.24 in standard form is 7.24 × 100

What is a prescribed decimal place called?

It is a specified degree of accuracy or precision.

What is the decimal in standard notation of two and five hundredths?

The decimal in standard notation of two and five hundredths is 2.05

What is the SD button on a scientific calculator?

Most likely, it means Standard Deviation. which is used in analyzing a set of data. See related link.* * * * *The Casio range, popular with GCSE and A level students in the UK, has a button marked SD. This is a toggle between decimal (D) and standard (S) form (fraction, pi).

How do you write the decimal 6.11 in Standard form?

That is the standard form.

What is the standard decimal numeral system called?

Dewey decimal system

How do you find the standard notation when the number has a decimal?

you put a number with a decimal

How do you convert a decimal into a standard number?

with a .

How do you convert from decimal?

The answer depends on convert to WHAT! It would have helped answer the question if you had specified that little bit.

What is the The approximate probability of a value occurring that is greater than one standard deviation?

The answer depends on the underlying distribution. For example, if you have a random variable X, with a symmetric distribution with mean = 20 and sd = 1, then prob(X > 1) = 1, to at least 10 decimal places.