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Compulsive lying, or pathological lying, is a common disorder often caused by low self-esteem and a need for attention. Often, the liar does not realize how often he or she is lying because it becomes second nature. Compulsive lying alienates friends and loved ones and often brings about the opposite of what the liar wants: instead of getting the attention they often crave, they end up pushing people away. With therapy, many people can overcome their compulsion to lie and salvage their interpersonal relationships before it is too late.

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Q: Is there a term for compulsive lying like a nymphomaniac or kleptomaniac?
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How do you deal with compulsive lying in relationships?

You don't, get out while you can. A relationship like that is doomed like the Titanic!!!

What is a term for someone prone to stealing?

A term for someone who is prone to stealing is kleptomaniac. A kleptomaniac will steal anything just because they think they need or want it. They will also steal because they like the thrill of getting away with it.

How do you break up with someone you love but you cannot trust when they keep lying?

This person sounds like a compulsive liar and need psychological help which they are probably not going to get because they simply don't want to. You cannot trust someone that lies so face him/her and let them know why you are breaking up with them and don't feel bad about it because compulsive liars know they are lying and if they are bothered by it they will seek professional help.

Your boyfriend of 4 years is a compulsive liar should you start lying back?

Compulsive lying is a psychological disorder. Generally people that lie do so because they lack confidence and often like to feel they fit in with others so will dramatize certain events to others to get attention. From there their lives become a complete lie and without proper psychological counseling they will never stop lying. Don't stoop to this level and lie back because you aren't helping the situation. If you love your boyfriend give him the option of going for psychological counseling for his problem or send him packing if he refuses.

Is there a medication for compulsive lying?

im guessin self worth ,its a lie to say comulsive lying is a disease ,i was a cl for a good while most of my life now at 17 i feel horrible for the people ive decieved and has been tryin to stop ,for me fittin in seemin better then i am such as ,cus i felt like a loser ....sorry here lads

How do you find people who have a compulsive lying problem for an illuminating television documentary?

Seeking out individuals through support groups, therapy clinics, or online communities focused on compulsive lying could be a starting point. However, it is important to approach the subject sensitively and prioritize the well-being and consent of those involved. Working with mental health professionals and ethical guidelines is crucial when showcasing sensitive topics for a documentary.

How do you prevent kleptomaniac?

I am one. To be honest, there's no stopping it. Like smoking or playing video games, it's an addictive habit.

If your BF who jokes a lot tells you to lie to other people is he testing you to see if you are submissive and is he a compulsive liar and like to get away with things?

It's important to communicate with your boyfriend to understand his intentions. If he's asking you to lie to others, it may be a sign of manipulation or disrespect. Trust your instincts and consider discussing boundaries and honesty in your relationship. It's also important to reflect on his behavior to determine if there are underlying issues like compulsive lying or a desire to manipulate others.

Is shoplifting an obsessive compulsive?

No. Obsessive compulsive behaviors are things like excessive handwashing, doing things a certain number of times. Shoplifting could be kleptomania, but not often.

What is a name for someone who steals?

A stealer!!!!! a burgler, thief, stealer like the other guy said.. A kleptomaniac.

Is there a medication to help pathological liars?

"No, people who lie do it on purpose, and sometimes they lie for so many years when they are telling a story that is not true they may think it is because lying has become such a part of life they can't tell they are doing it anymore. The only cure is the person changing the bad habit." That's rather inaccurate. The term pathological lying essentially translates to uncontrollable lying. This can mean that a person who is suspected of pathological lying is considered to have a disease, and therefore cannot control the lying. However, psychologists and psychiatrists fail to account for a specific definition of pathological lying as a disease. It can be symptomatic of other conditions, like antisocial personality disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) or attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). It is not always present in these conditions, so a clear treatment set for pathological lying has not been defined. Many people who exhibit pathological lying also clearly exhibit symptoms of other treatable conditions. Conditions like ADHD and OCD are treatable through medication, though different ones. This makes accurately diagnosing underlying conditions important. The last thing one would want to give a person with OCD is a stimulant like Ritalin, which would likely exacerbate their disorder. Personality disorders that contribute to pathological lying may also respond to a combined treatment of psychiatric medication and cognitive behavioral therapy. The goal with pathological lying must in the end be to treat any evidence of illness or conditions that may influence the lying. This may include medications and the use of behavioral therapy to help the person overcome compulsive lying.

What is the term for repetitive cyclical patterns of behavior?

This sounds like obsessive-compulsive behavior.