The number 3093.76 is "three thousand ninety-three and seventy-six hundredths." In US currency, $3093.76 is "three thousand ninety-three dollars and seventy-six cents."
One million three hundred thousand dollars. In international transactions or reports it is advisable to identify the country as well since many countries use a dollar as their currency.
XXX 21,060where XXX is the international code for the currency. These are three-character codes as defined under ISO 4217 (see eg Wikipedia for full list). Try not to use the currency symbol because they often get jumbled up by browsers.Finally, it is not dollor but dollar.
not that i know of. i know that 1 and 2 dollar bills exist but i have never heard of a three dollar bill. Another answer: Before the United States established standardized currency, various banks could issue their own currency. A few banks issued 3 dollar bills. Those were called in when the Federal Government began issuing its own currency. A few were not turned in and still exist.
in US dollars: one dollar coin two dimes three nickels and three pennies
If you mean the currency (dollar), it would be "three thousand dollars."
No, there is not such thing as a $3 bill.
The answer will vary from country to country. For example, the UK does not have a 25 penny coin, the US does not have a 20 cent coin. Most countries do not have coins or notes worth three units - whether they are major currency units (Rupee, Euro) or minor currency units (Paisa, Cent).
The number 3093.76 is "three thousand ninety-three and seventy-six hundredths." In US currency, $3093.76 is "three thousand ninety-three dollars and seventy-six cents."
The number 3071.00 is three thousand seventy-one (and no hundredths). The currency value $3071.00 is three thousand seventy-one dollars (and no cents).
australia,america and new zealand
One million three hundred thousand dollars. In international transactions or reports it is advisable to identify the country as well since many countries use a dollar as their currency.
One thousand three hundred and 00/100 dollars
The value 2003.49 is "two thousand three and forty-nine hundredths." The currency value $2003.49 is "two thousand three dollars and forty-nine cents."
The number 130,000 is "one hundred thirty thousand."
There are not three countries in Australia. Australia is a continent and an independent country in itself. Its capital is Canberra, and the currency is the Australian dollar.