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no, you could not cause a pressure change. Yes you can hook up industrial fans and vaccumms, it would not be ilegal, it would be expensive and still not cause the pressure change.

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Q: Is there a way to cause a drastic pressure change in your neighboorhood with half a million industrial sized fans or some vacuums or something and if you could do you think it would be illegal?
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Which word is an antonym for drastic?

Subtle, incremental

Can height differences between partners affect intercourse?

Drastic height differences merely put limitations on what positions would be comfortable or possible. Differences in height should have no real detrimental effect on a couple's sex life.

How many days a week do Chinese students attend school?

In theory, school time from Monday to Friday. Owing to drastic competition many students have extra classes on Saturday. It seems the government has taken measure to lighten students burden, but it cant control the situtation.

Why should a Person Kill Themselves from Bullying or Cyber-Bullying?

It is always a tragedy when anyone commits suicide. Bullying feels very painful to the person being bullied. They may feel like a prisoner to the pain the bully puts them through day after day and it hurts very much. The pain they feel seems like it will never end, so they may take drastic measures. Later in life the bully may realize the weight of those actions and suffer as well.

What are the reasons for and the consequences of the fall in the death rate since 1900?

My answer: The average age of the population is rising and since 1900, there has been drastic medical improvements. Due to better standards of medical treatment, life expectancy is higher meaning a fall in death rates. (Just to give you some ideas and jog your memory)You could also expand on points such as infant mortality, better medical knowledge, better living standards, ageism, aging population, positive aspects of retirement and beanpole families. - Chaz135 (Hope this helped!)

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