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If you're asking if it would be possible to design and perform such an experiment, certainly it would. It would probably involve tying bags or something around the flowers of a fruiting plant to prevent pollination from occurring and then seeing whether or not any fruit developed from those flowers.

If you're asking if anyone is actually doing so currently... not that I know of.

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Q: Is there an experiment to see if pollination is required for fruit formation?
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Why is pollination required for fruit production?

Pollination is required for fruit production because it is the process by which pollen is transferred from the male reproductive organs of a flower to the female reproductive organs, allowing for fertilization and seed development to occur. This process is essential for the formation of fruits, as it triggers the growth and development of the ovary into a fruit after successful fertilization.

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Does the fruit develop from the stigma?

With the exception of plants that develop fruit through parthenogenesis, a stigma is required. The stigma is where the pollination or fertilization of the plant takes place.

Can a bisexual flower develop into a fruit without male reproductive parts?

Yes, because male reproductive organ is required only for pollination not for making fruit.

What happens to the egg after pollination?

After pollination, the egg within the plant's ovary is fertilized by the pollen, leading to the formation of a seed. The ovary then develops into a fruit, enclosing the seeds for dispersal.

What does pollination lead to?

Pollination leads to the transfer of pollen from the male reproductive organ of a flower to the female reproductive organ, which results in fertilization. This process is essential for the formation of seeds and fruits in flowering plants. Ultimately, pollination plays a crucial role in plant reproduction and ecosystem biodiversity.

What differences would be expected in experiments with squash plant's which do not self pollinate?

In experiments with squash plants that do not self-pollinate, the main difference would be the need for manual pollination to ensure fertilization. This would involve transferring pollen from one plant to another to achieve successful pollination and fruit set. Without self-pollination, there may be variability in fruit quality and quantity due to the manual intervention required for pollination.

What has the author William A Luce written?

William A. Luce has written: 'Pollination of deciduous fruits' -- subject(s): Pollen, Fruit, Fruit-culture, Pollination 'Washington State fruit industry' -- subject(s): Marketing, Fruit, Apples, Fruit trade

Once pollination has taken place what is formed as a result?

After successful pollination, the female reproductive part of the flower is fertilized by the male gametes, leading to the formation of seeds within the ovaries of the flower. The ovary then develops into a fruit to protect and disperse the seeds, ensuring the continuation of the plant species.

Can a fruit be formed if there has been no previous pollination?


What typical has to happen before a fruit develops?

Before a fruit develops, pollination has to happen.

What is fertilization of egg cell by pollen from the same plant?

When egg cells are fertilized from the same plant is called self-pollination. Self-pollinators include certain types of fruit trees. Other types of fruit trees require two for pollination.