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A circle/sphere, a square/cube

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Q: Is there an object that can be translated so that it's end result is exactly the same as the original object?
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What will the result be if two equal forces act on a single object from different directions that are not exactly opposite?

The result will be R= 2fcos(angle/2). If the angle between the two forces is 180 degrees ( exactly opposite) the result is zero.

What is the German word for result?

Result can be translated as:ResultatErgebnis

Is it possible to perform two reflections of an object so that the final image is identical to the original image?

No, it is not possible to perform two reflections of an object that result in the final image being identical to the original image, unless the object is already symmetrical. Reflections change the orientation of the object, so multiple reflections will create a different image.

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Charging an object without touching it is known as induction. This occurs when a charged object is brought near a neutral object, causing the charges in the neutral object to redistribute and become charged. This can result in the neutral object becoming either positively or negatively charged, depending on the original charge of the charged object.

What always forms an image that is on the same side of the lens as the original object and right side up?

A virtual image is always formed on the same side of the lens as the original object, and it is right side up. This type of image cannot be projected onto a screen, as it is the result of the apparent divergence of light rays.

If you see an object change its motion what has happen to it?

when an object changes its motion it is because a new force that is greater than the original force has been applied to the object and that object changes its motion unless the force is in the same direction as the original force, which would then imply that the object stays in the same direction of motion, but moves at a greater speed in that direction.

What are the key result areas for secretaries?

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What is the result when an object crashes into another object?

Well if the two objects are locomotives, the result is a train wreck.

Can you have meaning translated guru granth Sahib?

Meaning is final result. However a vision, recurring thought or circumstance can translated. Present what needs to be translated and it will be.

What energy of stretched or compressed objects?

Stretched or compressed objects store potential energy due to their deformed shape. This potential energy is a result of the work done to stretch or compress the object, and it can be released as kinetic energy when the object returns to its original shape.

How is an able to maintain a constant speed when friction acts upon it?

An object maintains a constant velocity when the net force acting upon that object is zero. Therefore, a force pushing against the object that exactly opposes the force(s) due to friction (in both magnitude and direction) will result in a net force of zero, and the object will maintain a constant speed.

What is result of unbalanced forces acting on an object?

The result is acceleration of the object ... its speed of motion, or direction of motion, or both, change.