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Q: Is there any expiry date on 3M 8210 box?
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Check the expiry date.

How long does Levonelle one step last for until its Expiry date?

The expiration date for all medications is printed on the label of the box/package. Sometimes the date when it was packed is on there too.

Does dry soup mix have an expiry date?

Well, honey, everything has an expiry date, even dry soup mix. Check the packaging for the expiration date and toss it if it's past its prime. You don't want to risk a bland and potentially funky-tasting soup, do you?

I was prescribed Celexa last year and have not taken it since. Is it still ok for me to take the same ones a year later?

Answer There should be an expiry date marked on the box but if there isn't I wouldn't take them as they are a year old and may not have the same effect as they would have had last year.

What date do Islams worship?

Moslems do not worship any date. They worship Allah (God).They have holy days and festivals, but do not worship any of them.For more information, see Related links below this box.

How do you display the current date in wordpad document in any particular format?

go to insert then date/time,then select format from the dialog box

How long can you keep food after the date that is in a box?

Well it depends on what kind of food brand is in the box. If it is cereal or cookies after the expiration date they will be stall.

How can you check date in combo box in vissual basic?

'Let the combo box name Cboif IsDate(Cbo.Text)=True thenMsgBox "Date True"elseMsgBox "Date false"end if

The date on the fountain in Pandora's Box?


Can you cook fresh puff pastry out of date?

You should be able to check the expiration date on the frozen puff pastry box before you purchase it. You should expect that if part of the puff pastry has been removed from the packaging, defrosted and then refrozen, it will not last as long as the original expiry date. If you are making your own puff pastry from scratch, unless you have one of those high end vacuum sealers, I wouldn't assume it would survive freezer burn more than a couple of months, at most.

How big is the Nerf stampede ecs box?

It is huge, and it is the biggest nerf box to date.

What does best if used by date on a box of crackers mean?

It means that the crackers will taste better if you eat them by the date stamped on the box near there. If you eat them after that, they might be stale.