if the fraction's numerator and denominator cant be divided by any number remembber both numerator and denominator must be divided by the same number
Any number can be divided by any number but not come out as a whole number,
If it cant be divided by 2 it is odd.
Any even number will not have a remainder when divided by two. Any odd number, however, will.
Any number that can be divided equally by any other number is called "composite", in other words, it is "composed" of its own divisors.The opposite, a number that cannot be divided by any other number apart from itself and 1, is a "prime" number.
I THINK... you see if it can be either multiplied or divided by any other number but 1, and if you can divide or multiply by any other number it is composite, if it cant be divided or multiplied, it is prime...
you cant make them it is any number that can not be divided by anything except itself.
2 is an even but prime number because it cant be divided by its self or by any other number.
if the fraction's numerator and denominator cant be divided by any number remembber both numerator and denominator must be divided by the same number
composite * * * * * Not necessarily. Any number, other than 1, can be divided by another number (ie 1) without leaving a remainder. 1 is nore prime or composite cause it cant be divided by ANY number!
Any number can be divided by any number but not come out as a whole number,
Any number is divided by 1 is that number.
If it cant be divided by 2 it is odd.
it cant be divided by anything because it is a prime number the numbers are 1 and 43.
any number divided by 1 it is itself 1 divided by 2 = 1 it is veryy easy so pls like
Well, hello there! Let's talk about why 169 is not a prime number. You see, a prime number is a number that is only divisible by 1 and itself. Now, when we look at 169, we can see that it can be divided by 13 and 1, as well as 169 and 1. So, 169 is not a prime number, but it's still a special number in its own way.
yes, anything that cant be divided by 2 is an odd number.