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Probably not. That's part of what made the theory so stunning-- it seemed so unconnected to our everyday experience of the world. Another way to say this is that the theory is counter-intuitive.

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Q: Is there any use of theory of relativity in day to day life?
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One potential flaw in Einstein's theory of relativity is that it does not adequately address the fundamental forces of the universe, such as gravity and electromagnetism, in a unified framework. This has led to ongoing efforts to develop a theory of quantum gravity that reconciles general relativity with quantum mechanics.

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it can change by any time or any day because new things happen everyday in life or literally on earth

Who is einstien?

Einstien was the worlds greatest scientist.He created the theory of relativity. When he died his brain was donated to a research lab where it was cut up and studied. The scientists concluded that Einstein had unusual grooves in his brain.To this day 1 part of his brain is with one of his relatives while the other pieces are floating in a jar,being studied to this day.

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Albert Einstein's theory of relativity consists of two main parts: special relativity and general relativity. Special relativity deals with the relationship between time and space, showing that they are intertwined and dependent on the observer's frame of reference. General relativity extends these ideas to include gravity and explains the interaction between matter and energy to produce gravitational effects.

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Why Einstein's relativistic results are not observed in every day life?

Relativistic effects are always present but are negligible for most purposes except for particles moving near the speed of light (special relativity) or near extremely dense, massive objects such as black holes (general relativity).

What influences did Albert Einstein have?

Albert Einstein had a profound influence on the field of theoretical physics with his development of the theory of relativity and the equation E=mc^2, which revolutionized our understanding of space, time, and energy. His work also had a significant impact on the development of quantum mechanics and laid the foundation for modern cosmology. Einstein's ideas continue to inspire scientific research and discovery to this day.

What could not be explained by newton's mechanics but by the theory of relativity?

Quite a bit actually. For instance, muons have a very short lifetime, which is not long enough to go from the top of the earth's atmosphere to the surface, however that is exactly what we see. Also, if we did not use relativity when using GPS or anything to do with satellites for that matter, all satellites would be off by about 12m every day. Neither of these problems could be explained unless you use the theories of special and general relativity.

What is the day that's before the day but after the day?

It could be any day, lets say. What is the day that is before the 15th but after the 13th. Or it could be that, What is the day that is before the 31st but after the 1st. In the second possibility there are many days that could be the day, but in theory it can be any day.

Why has Albert Einstein receive public recognition?

Albert Einstein is recognized for his groundbreaking contributions to physics, particularly his theory of relativity, which revolutionized our understanding of space, time, and gravity. He also went on to become a prominent public figure, advocating for pacifism, civil rights, and scientific education. His work continues to influence scientific research and inspire future generations of physicists.