The Gupta Empire, early civilization in India.
THe Gupta Empire
Gupta mathematicians developed the concept of zero in the use of math, and also developed the decimal system based on the number 10. They also created a number writing system that was later adopted by the Islamic Empire. This system became known as Arabic Numerals, but is really a Gupta achievement.
i don't know which empire it is this is my question ; p its either Gupta Maurya Persian or British pretty sure it one of the first two
The significance was that Chandra's wife Ufreti let him rule lower India for too long and he eventually grew old and couldn't fight the military's obligation
The Gupta enforcement of caste rules reinforced social hierarchy, leading to discrimination and inequality based on birth. This system restricted social mobility and perpetuated injustices against lower caste individuals. Overall, the enforcement of caste rules under the Guptas is viewed as a negative aspect of their rule.
The Gupta Empire's real name is Gupta!
Ghatotkatcha was the son and successor of sri gupta
Additi Gupta's birth name is Additi Gupta.
conclusion about Gupta
Richard Gupta's birth name is Rajesh Kumar Gupta.
The Gupta Empire ended when Chandra Gupta II died and waves of invaders moved into India and broken the Gupta Empire into several smaller kingdoms.
The answer depends on the Gupta's who or what the question is about. For example, the Gupta's ancestors, their descendants, their servants, ...
Subodh Gupta has written: 'Subodh Gupta' -- subject(s): Catalogs
samudra gupta
Chandra Gupta 1
The Gupta Empire was founded by Maharaja Sri-Gupta, the dynasty was the model of a classical civilization.