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Yes, the sequel is titled "The Power of Six"

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Q: Is there going to be a sequel to i are Number Four?
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Is there going to be a you are number four 2?

No, unfortunately it was such a terrible movie they're never going to make a sequel.

Is there a sequel to you are number four?

I don't know about YOU are number four, bit there is one to I am number four, it is "the power of six"

What is the sequel to the book you are number four?

The Power of Six

Is there a sequel to you are number 4?

yes, i think. its going to be called the power of 6.

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A sequel has yet to be announced for The Vampire's Assistant movie, therefore at the moment there is not going to be a sequel.

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There will be... i mean they just cannot leave a series hanging like that and not do a sequel

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I think that there is going to be a sequel to The Host called The Soul. I don't know when it is coming out, though.

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If there's going to be a death race sequel,first of all they would announce it. I haven't heard of a death race sequel, if there's going to be a sequel it will be announced and people will know about it.

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no there will never be a sequel of girl or guys

Are they going to make another I am number 4 movie?

There is going to be but not for a couple of years because "I am Number Four" only came out recently.