Some would argue that there is always hope, but from a practical standpoint it is doubtful. The body can continue to function with very little if any brain function. The higher functions, personality, are extremely doubtful. There have been cases of drowning in very cold water where the person has survived intact because of the cold slowing the body's need for oxygen. Choking by itself is going to deprive the brain and that doesn't get better. The treating physician should be able to tell you if there is any brain function. It may be a hard choice to make, but really the choice has already been made.
If the water was extremely cold there is a possibility, though the human brain cannot go without oxygen for 5 minutes on average.
No, a plant could not grow without oxygen.
Oxygen has an atomic mass of approximately 16.
Without oxygen to breathe, we would rapidly suffocate and die.
This all depends on the person. When a person is actually choking it means they can not cough and their airway is fully blocked. The brain can survive (in most cases) without oxygen for no more than 4 minutes. After 4 minutes the brain starts to die.
Actually, no human being can go without oxygen for 4 minutes and be expected to live
The time it takes for a person to die without oxygen can vary depending on factors such as individual health, age, and the specific circumstances of oxygen deprivation. In general, a person can lose consciousness within 15 seconds and die within a few minutes if deprived of oxygen. Brain damage can occur after just a few minutes without oxygen.
Oxygen in an airplane is not carried in a tank, it is the result of a chemical reaction. The oxygen will last for approximately ten to fifteen minutes.
No, You couldn't survive more than a few minutes without oxygen. Other organisms can, like yeast, which can do anaerobic respiration (respiration without oxygen).
You cannot live without oxygen for more than 5 minutes. :D
If the brain was without oxygen for 4 to 6 minutes can caused brain dead. Early CPR is needed to prevent brain damage or hypoxia.
12 Minutes.
The average human brain can survive about 4-6 minutes without oxygen before permanent damage occurs. After 10 minutes without oxygen, irreversible damage and death are likely. Immediate medical intervention is crucial to restore oxygen supply to the brain.
no, every living animal need oxygen, either from air or water.turtles can survive for only a few minutes, like humans, without oxygen.
Cells can typically survive without oxygen for only a few minutes before irreversible damage occurs.
If you can't breathe at all, you would go unconscious around one minute (maybe a little longer if you had air in your lungs). By three minutes your brain would be damaged, and your heart would probably stop beating by 5 minutes, and you would be as good as dead very soon after that. And it also matters how hard it is.