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Q: Is there more or less to discover now then there used to be?
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We have the same number of stars now as we do now.

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its used the same way as now but it cost less in past 1900.its used the same way as now but it cost less in past 1900.

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Society is now more educated and feels for the less fortunate. Now days society is less prejudice, and more accepting.

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Is there less to discover now then there was to discover in 1843?

Absolutely not! We have more opportunities to discover today!Areas in 2014 for discoveries of new species of ocean/marine life, unknown geographies/landscapes, unknown animals/insects and their habitats, understanding how things work, etc... new medicines, etc.deep lake researchdeep ocean research, including trenchesvolcanic research on the ocean floorAmazonian junglesMountain topsAntarctica's ice fieldsSpace research

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A lot less.

Is television more your less commonly used now?

I believe television is more commonly used now, due to obesity 1/6 (in billions) of the world being obese, but depending on what scale you want to your question to go to and who you are asking. ex: the whole world, United States, Europe.

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I don't have much information on it but it is a "standard" lease form used in the State of Texas. It has been used less and less over the years as it is not "mineral owner friendly". Other lease forms and variations of them are used more now. Not much, but it's a start!

Why is there a decrease in braille use?

Births are more professionally done than they used to be. This may have decreased the amount of birth defects, leading to less blind people, leading to less braille. Either that, or the sightless are getting less attention than they used to. Now you gave me a question. Is this answer even remotely right?

Can alternative resources be used up?

Yes, they can but less quickly than the ones being used now.