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Q: Is there such a thing as an obtuse circle?
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Is a circle an obtuse angle?


Is a circle a acute angle?

it has No acute or obtuse angles

What angle does a circle have?

It has a straight, right, acute, and obtuse angles.

What is the name of a shape with no acute or obtuse or reflex angle?

There are many such shapes. A circle is perhaps the most obvious.

Can any obtuse triangle be equilateral?

No, there is no such thing.

Is a straight line an obtuse angle?

no... a straight line is a 180 degrees half circle.

Is an obtuse triangle the same thing as a three-sided triangle?


What is a circle prism?

There is no such thing as a circle prism. The closest thing to a circle prism would be a cylinder.

Can two obtuse angles be adjacent?

If they are on a straight line (180 degrees), no. If they are in a circle (360 degrees), yes.

Is there such thing as a obtuse equilateral?

No, all angles of an equilateral triangle are 60 degrees, to be obtuse he angle must be greater han 90 degrees but lesser than 180 degrees. (90<obtuse<180)

What do you call an angle more than 90 and less than 180 degrees?

It's called an obtuse angle and there's a such thing as an obtuse triangle, too.

Does a semi circle have obtuse angles?

In geometry, angles are created by the intersection of lines or of line segments. A curve is not an angle, and a semi-circle (or complete circle) consists only of one continuous curve. There are no angles as such. If you like, you can conceive of a curve as a collection of infinitely many angles. But you can never see them individually, they are only seen as a group. They are not obtuse (or acute) angles in the normal sense of the term.