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Q: Is there such thing as a foot stick?
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What has a foot at each end and a foot in the middle?

A Yard Stick

What is a foot with a stick in it?

a doctors appointment.

How do you slide softball?

stick ur foot out and run

When thing stick they?


What is 5 foot 4 in a meter stick?

5 foot 4 is 162.56 centimeters or 1.6256 meters.

Could chewing gum stick to your foot?

yes it could.........or can it?

Define meter stick?

i don't think there is such a thing as a meter stick

What did the boy measuring stick say when he saw the girl measuring stick?

nice to meter you, there's trouble a foot

Is foot a thing or a place?

The word 'foot' is a word for a body part or a linear measurement, a word for a thing.

What is a pointing stick?

a pointing stick is a curtain stick to point at a thing or person. people sometimes use it when the have to point at something high.a pointing stick is a curtain stick to point at a thing or person. people sometimes use it when the have to point at something high.

What is on the botton of a stripped top shell to make it stick to rocks?

their foot

How do you stop on manual car?

Put your foot on the clutch, move the gear stick to neutral and then put your foot on the brake pedal