If you add an even number to an even number, you will have an even number as a result.
First you calculate the 15% of 280: 15*280/100=42 Than, 280+42=322
No sum of any even numbers can add up to an odd number.
Well sometimes you might get a even number when you are using an even number to add. For example: 2+2=4 or 6+6=12. Sometimes you might not get an even number if you add with an odd number. For example: 18+17=35 or 2+3=5. Thank You
No even numbers add up to 9. The sum of even numbers is always an even number.
If you add an even number to an even number, you will have an even number as a result.
The middle number for 150 and 280 is 215. Here's how you work it out: Add the two numbers together which makes a total of 430. Then you divide the number by the number of numbers you added together to give you your answer.
First you calculate the 15% of 280: 15*280/100=42 Than, 280+42=322
Always an even number. Think of an odd number as an even number plus a half. Add them up and the two halves make an even.
No sum of any even numbers can add up to an odd number.
The sum of two even numbers will always be another even number.
An even number
Well sometimes you might get a even number when you are using an even number to add. For example: 2+2=4 or 6+6=12. Sometimes you might not get an even number if you add with an odd number. For example: 18+17=35 or 2+3=5. Thank You
it creates an even number cause 2 is an even number so no matter what two same numbers add up it must give you an even number
I guess you mean to add, when using the word 'and' 1 6/7 + 2 2/5 + 1 7/8. You need to find a common denominator. In this case the LCD is 7*5*8 = 280. 1 6/7 = 1 and 240/280; 2 2/5 = 2 and 112/280; 1 7/8 = 1 and 245/280. Add the whole numbers and add the fractions: [1 + 2 + 1 = 4] and 240+112+245=597, so the fraction sum is 597/280, convert to a mixed number: 2 37/280, then add to the 4 from above: 6 37/280
No even numbers add up to 9. The sum of even numbers is always an even number.