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Q: Is this statement true or false A piece of art can be successful even though the person critiquing it may not personally like the piece?
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A piece of art can be successful even though the person critiquing it may not personally like that piece?

True, a piece of art can be successful despite what a critic says about it since art is subjective.A piece of may still be successful despite critiques because art can mean different things to different people.

Can a New York State notary notarize a photo document?

Check with the courthouse. The notary must personally know the person in the photo, and will have to state how long he has known that person in his notarized statement. He can notarize a witness statement by creditable persons in the community who state in writing that they know the person involved and have known that person for the length of time they state.

Can two people that are clinically depressed have a successful relationship?

this is a statement when you are in an angered state which really you dont need any answer but to talk properly with this person

What adjective describes a successful person starting with the letter N?

A successful person is notable. A successful person is noteworthy.

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What we call a person who gives a statement?

A person who gives a statement is called a witness.

What is the adverb form of the noun person?

The adverb form of the noun "person" is "personally."

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A sole proprietor is a person who owns the business and is personally responsible for it debts.

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A statement of faith is the basic or foundational principles that a person or group accepts to be true. What is "the" statement of faith would depend upon the individual person or group.

At what point in history was corpulence in fashion?

Middle ages England and renaissance Italy. It was basically a statement that the person had more than enough to eat and was successful; being thin meant you were too poor to eat well. Being fat was a statement of power, same as gold and jewels.

What are the words based on the word person?

personally, personal, personification, personally, personality hope this helps :)

What is statement of ownership?

Statement of ownership is a sworn statement made by a person affirming the legal ownership of real property. It is a legal document where a person swears that they do own something.