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Q: Is this statement true or false the horizon is the point where to an observer the earth and sky appear to meet?
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What is the point to an observer the earth and sky appear to meet?

The horizon.

Where would an observer on earth's equator find the NCP?

Exactly due north of him, and on the horizon.

How does the moon appear to an observer on earth during a full moon?

During a full moon, the moon appears fully illuminated and bright in the sky. It will be visible throughout the night, rising as the sun sets and setting as the sun rises.

How would the moon appear to an observer on earth if the moon did not rotate?

it would still appear to rotate

What does the Horizon great circle on the celestial sphere represent?

A circle through the Earth's sphere perpendicular to the observer's latitude

Is the horizon straight?

The horizon appears straight due to the curvature of the Earth. If it seems to curve in photos, it could be due to the lens or distortion in the image.

To an observer on a ship at sea at which latitude does north star appear closest to the horizon?

The North Star (Polaris) appears closest to the horizon at the Earth's equator (0° latitude) because as you move away from the equator towards the poles, the angle of Polaris above the horizon increases. At the North Pole (90° latitude), Polaris is directly overhead.

How bright does a star appear from earth?

It depends on its intrinsic brilliance and its distance from the observer

What is the name of the line where the sky and the earth or sea appear to meet called?

The line where the sky and the earth or sea appear to meet is called the horizon.

What is the zenith and how does the definition of the horizon relate to it?

The zenith is the direction directly above the observer. The astronomical horizon is the plane that is perpendicular to that direction, i.e. horizontal. The "true horizon", however, is the cone from the observer to the point on the earth, below which you can not "see over", so it is a small amount lower in angle. In practice, the two horizons can be considered to be the same, because the height of the observer is often small in comparision to the diameter of the earth, unless the observer is standing on a tall point, such as a mountain.

What is the line in the sky from horizon to horizon?

If you're talking about sky as in sky on this planet, then your answer would be the horizon (the point were the ground meets the sky from any vantage point on the surface). Or you could be talking about the atmosphere, which is the boundary between the earth and space and keeps life alive, and air on earth.

Does The celestial equator always pass directly overhead?

No, the celestial equator does not always pass directly overhead. The position of the celestial equator in the sky is determined by the observer's latitude on Earth. If the observer is located at the equator, the celestial equator will pass directly overhead. However, for observers at different latitudes, the celestial equator will appear at an angle to the horizon.