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Q: Is this statement true or false you can only be found not guilty after a trial.?
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What was the verdict in the Casey Anthony Trial?

Casey Anthony was found Not Guilty of all federal charges against her, and found Guilty on the misdemeanor charges of providing false information to law enforcement. The verdicts on all charges are as follows: First-Degree Murder: Not Guilty Aggravated Child Abuse: Not Guilty Aggravated Manslaughter: Not Guilty 4 Charges of Providing False Information to Law Enforcement: Guilty

What happened at Rebecca Nurse's trial?

She was found guilty after the trial and was executed.

What is the legal process by which one is found guilty or innocent?

A person is never found innocent. A person is found guilty or not guilty at the verdict phase of a criminal trial.

What are two types of verdicts in a trial?

The two types of verdicts in a trial are guilty, when the defendant is found responsible for the crime charged, and not guilty, when the defendant is acquitted and found not responsible for the crime.

what happens when you get charged with a controlled substance felony in Florida?

You go to trial, and you're either found not guilty or guilty. If found guilty, you'll serve time.

When a person in a criminal trial is found guilty that person is?

The person in a criminal trial is the defendant. When found guilty, the person is convicted and sentenced. The person then becomes an inmate or convict in the prison system.

Neil Entwistle trial - found guilty?

Yes. As of June 25, 2008, Neil Entwistle was found guilty of murdering his wife and infant daughter.

Does double jeopardy apply if a person has been found guilty of murder?

No it doesn't. A person found not guilty of murder can't be tried again for that same crime a second time under double Jeopardy.However, a person can be granted a new trial, or a re-trial, if they were found guilty but that would not be double jeopardy.

What happens after the arraignment?

No, You will not be sentenced until after the trial and if you're found guilty of a crime.

What was the verdict in OJ Simpson's trial?

He has had several so I'll go in chonological order: His criminal murder trial he was aquitted. His wrongful death civil trial he was found guilty of the deaths of ex-wife Nicole Brown and her friend Ron Goldman. His kidnapping and armed robbery trial he was found guilty.

Is there a difference between pleading guilty and being convicted?

Yes, there is a difference. Pleading guilty is a voluntary admission of guilt by the defendant, whereas being convicted means that the court has found the defendant guilty after a trial or plea.

Was Samuel Chase found innocent or guilty?

Assuming you're asking about Chase's impeachment trial in the Senate, he was found not guilty (no one is ever found innocent) of the charges against him in 1805.