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Q: Is this true or false Most people focus their attention on several sensory details?
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What is sensory hyperactivity?

Sensory hyperactivity or distractibilty implies that people are continually "on the move" as far as concentration is concerned. Every sensory stimulus is so enticing/distracting to them, that they can do nothing but pay attention to it. So it not that a person cannot pay attention, but rather that they cannot concentrate on one thing for too long.

Is crowded a sensory detail?

No, "crowded" is not a sensory detail. Sensory details typically refer to information that engages the five senses (sight, sound, taste, touch, smell) to create a vivid experience for the reader. "Crowded" describes a condition of being filled with a large number of people or things.

What is negative and positive impacts of sensory loss?

negative impact on people with sensory loss

Why do people with CMT have some loss of sensory ability?

CMT also affects the sensory nerves that carry information from the limbs to the brain. Therefore people with CMT also have sensory loss

What are the functions of behavior?

The functions of behavior refer to the reasons why people engage in specific behaviors. These can include seeking attention, obtaining a desired item or activity, escaping or avoiding a situation, or self-stimulation. Understanding these functions can help in identifying the underlying causes of behavior and developing effective interventions.

Excellent attention to detail?

Attention to detail is extremely important in many fields. Accountants, physicians, surgeons, dentists, chemists, and more all must be able to focus on details.

What is Sensory Integration International?

Sensory Integration International (SII), a non-profit corporation concerned with the impact of sensory integrative problems on people's lives

What are sensory phrases?

Sensory phrases are descriptive phrases that engage the reader's senses by providing vivid details related to sight, sound, touch, smell, or taste. They help create a more immersive experience for the reader by appealing to their sensory perceptions and emotions. These phrases are often used in creative writing to enhance imagery and evoke a strong response from the reader.

What does the Book People UK sell?

Book People UK sell books at discounted prices to people. They have stretched across the country. In order to work here you must have a love for books, organization, great attention to details.

What are examples of sensory detail in the catcher and the rye?

Examples of sensory details in "The Catcher in the Rye" include Holden Caulfield's observations of sounds, such as the noise of a car driving by or the sound of footsteps in the hallway. There are also vivid descriptions of the physical sensations he experiences, like the taste of a sandwich or the coldness of the winter air. Additionally, Holden often comments on the visual details of his surroundings, like the red hunting hat he wears or the appearance of the people he encounters.

Is it true that people who lose one channel of sensation seem to compensate with a slight enhancement of their other sensory abilities?

The body doesn't add or enhance senses, but the person learns to devote more attention to the remaining ones after losing one.

Why do men of great knowledge are always in controversies?

People who are known enough to be considered great are known enough to attain the attention of people critical of the person, people who then find out the dirty details of the person and share it to create controversy and debate about the merits of said person.