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Q: Is this true or false The common meter of four lines of a particular number of beats that end in the rhyming pattern of a b a b?
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What is the term for rhyming words at the ends of a poem's lines?

The most basic pattern is a "quatrain" which consists of four lines with two rhyming syllables at the end, and the (approximately) same number of syllables in the lines. Roses are red And Violets are blue Sugar is sweet And so are you But there's actually lots of different rhyming patterns that do this, such that rhyming syllables is what usually makes poetry considered poetry, and gives it its musicality. Sonnets follow a rhyming pattern of ten lines with ten syllables each, of two quatrains, and a closing rhyme in the last two.

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A stanza is like a paragraph in a poem. If you are reading a poem with a rhyme scheme, the stanzas help the rhymes. So basically in each stanza the rhyme scheme changes.... for example in the first stanza you are rhyming things with the word 'cake', and in the second stanza you are rhyming things with the word 'cat'.

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No. Regardless of the particular definition being used for whole numbers, one thing is common: a number that necessitates a fraction or decimal, like 0.75, is not whole. It is, however, a rational number.