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Expressed as a decimal fraction, 3/9 is equal to 0.3 recurring (that is, 0.3333..)

Expressed as a decimal fraction, 10/11 is equal to 0.90 recurring (that is, 0.909090...)

The difference between the two is 10/11 - 3/9 = 19/33.

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Q: Is three ninths greater than ten elevenths?
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Good question, I had to think on that a bit. Four ninths is greater than three sevenths.

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It isn't. 7 ninths is greater than 4 ninths just as 7 is greater than 4.

Is three-twelfths bigger than three ninths?

Three-twelfths is equal to one quarter. Three-ninths is equal to one third. One third of anything is a greater quantity than one quarter of anything, therefore, "Three-ninths" is the larger of the two.

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no,eight ninths is greater

What is the mix fraction for three elevenths?

Since the absolute value of three elevenths is less than 1, there is no mixed fraction.Since the absolute value of three elevenths is less than 1, there is no mixed fraction.Since the absolute value of three elevenths is less than 1, there is no mixed fraction.Since the absolute value of three elevenths is less than 1, there is no mixed fraction.

Is five ninths greater than eight ninths?

No, it's not.

Is three sevenths or four ninths larger?

4/9 is greater than 3/7

Is ten elevenths greater than eleven twelfths?

11/12 is greater than 10/11

Why is one half greater than three-ninths?

1/2=.5 3/9=.33333333333333333333333

Is three eighths greater than four ninths?

No, four ninths is larger than three eighths. 3 divided by 8 equals 0.375 while four divided by 9 equals 0.4444444444. 0.444444 > 0.375