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Yes, "thrombi" is the plural form of "thrombus."

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Q: Is thrombi the plurual form of thrombus?
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Related questions

Which term indicates the presence of more than one thrombus?

The term used to indicate the presence of multiple thrombi is "thrombi" or "thromboses" (plural form of thrombus).

What is more than one thrombus called?

More than one thrombus (or the plural form) is "thrombi".

What is the plural of thrombocyte?

The plural form of thrombus is thrombi.The plural is "thrombi" (from Latin), meaning blood clots within a blood vessel, or in the heart. If a blood clot reaches the lungs, it can cause pulmonary thrombosis.

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What is the medical term meaning blood clotting?

The medical term for blood clot(s) is thrombus (plural thrombi). Thrombosis refers to an abnormal condition of clot formation.A Thrombosis is the medical term for a blood clot.thrombi

What is the plural of consensus?

The plurual of consensus is just "consensuses"- per Wikitionary.

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What is an antithrombotic?

An antithrombotic is a drug which inhibits the formation of thrombi.

Thrombus traveling through vascular system is called?

When a thrombus travels through the vascular system it is called an embolus.

What is the medical term meaning death of vessel walls due to a thrombus?

Thromboangionecrosis is death of a vessel wall due to a thrombus.

what is the definition for thrombus?

A thrombus is a blood clot that forms in the circulatory system and remains where it forms rather than circulating in the blood.

What does thrombus mean in medical terms?

Thrombus in medical terms means blood clot.