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Q: Is time discrete or conticuous
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Linear discrete time signal?

The linear discrete time interval is used in the interpretation of continuous time and discrete valued: Quantized signal.

Is minute a discrete or continuous variable?

It is discrete even though time itself is continuous.

Is date a discrete or continuous variable?

Date is a discrete variable whereas date/time would be continuous.

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Is no of common colds a discrete or continuous variable?

It is a discrete variable, as number of colds experienced by individuals would be one time, two times or so on. So, it is a finite category proving it a discrete variable.

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What is a definition of discrete data?

data that can be counted, that does not show a change over time

Is the number of foggy days at an airport continuous or discrete?

Either fog occurs on a day, or it does not. Therefore it is a discrete value.

What is the difference between a continuous signal and a discrete signal?

A continuous signal is one that is measured over a time axis and has a value defined at every instance. The real world is continuous (ie. analog). A discrete signal is one that is defined at integers, and thus is undefined in between samples (digital is an example of a discrete signal, but discrete does not have to imply digital). Instead of a time axis, a discrete signal is gathered over a sampling axis. Discrete signals are usually denoted by x[k] or x[n], a continuous signal is x(t) for example. Laplace transforms are used for continuous analysis, Z-transforms are used for discrete analysis. Fourier transforms can be used for either.

What is discrete probability and what role could it play in your work environment?

Discrete probability is probability in the context of random variables that can only take a discrete number of values. In the work environment there are some events that can have discrete outcomes and others that are continuous. For example, the number of customers in a day (or month) is a discrete variable. The amount that each one spends on your products is discrete. But the time interval between them is not. So the role that any kind of probability could play depends on what you wish to study.