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Q: Is time to learn song discrete or continuous?
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Linear discrete time signal?

The linear discrete time interval is used in the interpretation of continuous time and discrete valued: Quantized signal.

Is the time taken to run 10 kilometers discrete or continuous variable?

It is a continuous variable. BUT as soon as you measure it, the limitations of your timing device make the observation a discrete variable - even if you can measure with an accuracy of a nanosecond.

The amount of time needed to run the Boston Marathon is an example of which type of variable?

A continuous variable which is made discrete when recorded.

What is the difference between continuous sampling and discrete sampling?

Continuous data is data that can theoretically be any amount at all. There may be a maximum and minimum value, but all numbers in between are possible. For instance, the amount of time it takes to complete a task, might be 13.4864 seconds. This makes the time continuous data. Discrete is data that can only be set amounts. For instance, how much money someone has, or how many times they've been to the cinema. You cannot have 13.4864 cents, or have visited the cinema 7.33 times. This is a discrete value.

Difference between continuous and discrete variables?

Continuous variable is one like temperature, and discrete variable are ones like male and female. So if you are looking at temperatures between 90 and 100 degrees, there is an infinite number of them. Say between 99 and 99.1, we have 99.05 and between that and 99 we have 99.005 etc. The variable is continuous because it can take on any value between 90 and 100. But if you are talking about gender, than it is either male of female and not continuous. Having said all this, now we define a continuous variable A continuous is one for which, within the limits the variable ranges, any value is possible. So what about time? If the variable is how long it take to read this answer, is that discrete? NO, it is continuous. A five point scale is an example of a discrete variable.

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Is minute a discrete or continuous variable?

It is discrete even though time itself is continuous.

Is date a discrete or continuous variable?

Date is a discrete variable whereas date/time would be continuous.

Is time discrete or continuous?

Continuous. Discrete variables are only expressed as integer values, whereas continuous is, as its name suggests, continuous.

Linear discrete time signal?

The linear discrete time interval is used in the interpretation of continuous time and discrete valued: Quantized signal.

Is the exact time it takes to evaluate 27 72 discrete or continuous?

it is a continuous random variable

What is the difference between a continuous signal and a discrete signal?

A continuous signal is one that is measured over a time axis and has a value defined at every instance. The real world is continuous (ie. analog). A discrete signal is one that is defined at integers, and thus is undefined in between samples (digital is an example of a discrete signal, but discrete does not have to imply digital). Instead of a time axis, a discrete signal is gathered over a sampling axis. Discrete signals are usually denoted by x[k] or x[n], a continuous signal is x(t) for example. Laplace transforms are used for continuous analysis, Z-transforms are used for discrete analysis. Fourier transforms can be used for either.

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how is time series applied in the business world today

What is difference between continuous simulation system and discrete simulation system?

In continuous simulation systems, time is treated as a continuous variable, allowing for modeling of systems with continuous or fluid-like behavior. In discrete simulation systems, time is represented in discrete steps, making it suitable for modeling systems that operate in a step-by-step manner with distinct events. Continuous simulation systems require solving differential equations, while discrete simulation systems involve tracking the state changes based on discrete event occurrences.

Is height a discrete or continuous variable?

its continuous because if it was discrete i could measure it right now but its actually over time. For example: if my doctor wants to weigh me ,he will weigh me once and then weigh me again in like 1 week or so

Is the time taken to run 10 kilometers discrete or continuous variable?

It is a continuous variable. BUT as soon as you measure it, the limitations of your timing device make the observation a discrete variable - even if you can measure with an accuracy of a nanosecond.