

Is times same as add

Updated: 9/20/2023
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Q: Is times same as add
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If you are multiplying powers of the same base (like 24 times 211), yes, you add the exponents.

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Multiply, Times, Add same numbers, Product

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How do you add expontents?

If you mean ' "When" do you add exponents? ' then the answer is when the same base of equal or different exponents is multiplied. in other words, when you hav "3 exponent 3 times 4 exponent 5 " you can't add the exponents because the bases (3 and 4) aren't the same.

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You times the denominator to the whole number and then you add that to the numerator and the denominator stays the same.

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am times stay the same. except 12:45 am for example becomes 00:45. for pm, you add 12 hours to the time.

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You add

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6+N3 is the sum of N*3 then you add six. 6*N3 is you multiply 6 times three times N times three.

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The answer would be 8a because... 7a is the same as 7 times a a is the same as 1a. So 7+1=8 and just add on the a

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times the denominator by a number to get to a hundred then times the numerator by the same number. the final faction that you get, take the numerator and add a percentage sign and thats your percentage