Sure. But if that's what you call it, you sound kind of awkward.
Most people call it "two thousand".
four-hundred billion,four-hundred-thirty six million,five-hundred thousand,five hundred
A number with one hundred zero
"Let he who has understanding reckon the number of the beast, for it is a human number, its number is six hundred and sixty-six." 666 is the original number of the beast, but 616 has been seen to pop up in other holy books.
Hundred trillion and one
The decimal number for four hundred-thousandths is 0.00004
louis tom linsons birthday is on the twentey fourth of dece mber christmas eve he is twentey years old
The amount after the discount is 33.91
No. Ten hundred is a thousand. However, people do use eleven hundred to mean one thousand one hundred, for example.
Yes, it is 1 followed by a hundred zeros.
In words, 4,556,698 is four million, five hundred and fifty-six thousand, six hundred and ninty-eight
the real answer is 29
Your answer is 4 with a remainder of 2.
20 times one point seven is 34
A chicken usaly lives 15 to twentey years
Three is a number, three hundred is a number, three hundred forty is a number, three hundred forty-two is a number, forty is a number, forty-two is a number, forty-two hundred is a number, two is a number, and two hundred is a number, but three hundred forty-two hundred is not a number.