

Best Answer

Do you mean twelves or twelveths? Here is the answer to both anyway.

The answer for both is no.

Explanation: (twelves)

a) 2 twelves are 24 and three fourths is 75/100 or basically 75 and 24 is not equal to 75, it is less than

Explanation: (twelveths)

a) 2/12 is less than 3/4 if you multiply the denomenator of 2/12 and multiply it to the numerator of 3/4 u get 36 and imagine 3/4 as 36 now, do the same with 3/4 vs. 2/12 which is 8 so imagine 2/12 as 8 and since 36 is greater than 8, 2/12 is less than 3/4

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Q: Is two twelves equal to three fourths?
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