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Q: Is used to backup verbal communications that cross service and functional component lines or are forwarded to joint commands and?
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What are two types of combatant commands?

Geographic and Functional.

What are the two types of Combat Commands?

Geographic and Functional.

What is functional combatant commands?

Functional combatant commands are military organizations that focus on specific functional areas, such as transportation or cyber operations, rather than geographic regions. They are responsible for providing command and control of specific military capabilities and resources to support global operations as directed by the unified combatant commands. Examples include U.S. Strategic Command and U.S. Special Operations Command.

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Functional Combatant Commands

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What has the author Anne G Hammond written?

Anne G. Hammond has written: 'A functional analysis of consolidating the Navy and Marine Corps recruiting commands'

These commands are established by combatant commanders when authorized by the secdef through the cjcs to conduct operations on a continuing basis in accordance with the criteria set forth for unified?

commands. These commands are responsible for the planning and execution of military operations within their designated geographical or functional areas of responsibility. They work closely with other military and civilian agencies to achieve strategic objectives and ensure the effective use of resources.

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A neurological examination is an essential component of a comprehensive physical examination. It is a systematic examination that surveys the functioning of nerves delivering sensory information to the brain and caring motor commands.

What is a Division Officer in the Navy?

A division is a group of men on a ship. They are usually divided by job duties, such as supply, or communications, electrical or navigation. The officer that commands that group is their division officer. It is usually an Ensign, LTJG or LT.

What advance imroved communications during world war 1?

The telephone improved communications during World War I. It made it possible for commanders on the front line to talk directly with army officers in the rear to call for support or receive updates on their military situations and for commanding generals to issue commands more quickly to their subordinates in the field.