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In general it is more expensive.

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Q: Is vanilla bean more or less expensive than other spices?
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Related questions

Is there purple vanilla bean in the world?

There are purple beans but the vanilla bean is brown.

What can you substitute vanilla bean paste with?

Vanilla extract can be used in place of vanilla bean paste. The equivalent of 1 tablespoon of paste is 1 tbsp. extract.

How many calories in vanilla bean powder?

I believe there is 240 calories in vanilla bean powder.

Is the vanilla flavor from bananas?

No, vanilla comes from its own plant, the vanilla bean.

Where is Vanilla found?

Vanilla plant, more specificly vanilla bean pods.

What color is vanilla ice cream?

There are two main types of vanilla ice cream: Golden Vanilla and Vanilla Bean. Golden Vanilla (as the name implies) is white with a gold tint, while Vanilla Bean is pure white.

Can you grow a vanilla orchid from a store bought vanilla bean?


White sugar substitute?

To make Vanilla Sugar without having to use Vanilla Beans (Which are rare and expensive in Grocery Stores) just use Vanilla Extract and Sugar in a ratio of one teaspoon of Vanilla Extract to every two cups of regular granulated sugar. Then spread the well mixed vanilla sugar on a baking pan lined with wax paper to dry. *Note* To make Vanilla Sugar with a Vanilla Bean, just crush a Vanilla Bean and mix with Sugar. Then store until needed. When needed, sift out all large bits of ean, until just sugar is left. Store bean with sugar until bean looses flavor.

Is vanilla a herb?

The vanilla we would eat is made from the bean of the vanilla plant, which is not an herb.

Does vanilla have laxative properties?

No, it does not. Diarrhea or a laxative effect may develop as one of the symptoms of being allergic to the vanilla bean, but other than that no.

Is vanilla solid or liquid?

Vanilla is found in a seed (of the vanilla orchid) called a vanilla bean. The flavor is extracted from the bean by soaking it in alcohol. The vanilla bean is solid, the flavoring- vanilla extract, is a liquid.

Where is Vanilla from?

it is usually an extract from the vanilla bean, but artificial vanilla flavour is completely unrelated to vanilla, besides the taste.