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No. Vertical is straight up and down, while diagonal is down and across or up and across.

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Q: Is vertical and diagonal the same?
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What does the word diagonal mean?

Diagonal means across at an angle, not horizontal or vertical.

What are vertical horizontal and diagonal lines?

a...................b . . . . . c...................d a to c = vertical line a to b = horizontal line a to d = diagonal line

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Lateral, Vertical and Diagonal

Does diagonal mean an angle cut?

Diagonal means a line that is not vertical or horizontal, but in between. i.e. / or \

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No. The diagonal through a rectangle can be computed via the Pythagorean theorem: c2 = a2 + b2 where c is the diagonal length and a and b are the horizontal and vertical lengths of the rectangle.

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Is a diagonal a horizontal or vertical line?

It is neither. A diagonal line occupies the range of everything in between those two absolutes.

What does the word diagonally?

Diagonal means across at an angle, not horizontal or vertical.

Is a diagonal line a row or column?

No. A row is horizontal and a column is vertical.

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Is the letter x symmetrical?

Yes. It has vertical, horizontal and diagonal planes of symmetry