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Q: Is vodka less harmful than whiskey?
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Why vodka is less harmful than whiskey?

I am not sure IF it is less harmful, but usually, what makes alcoholic beverages harmful is their alcohol contents, so a beverage that has less alcohol will be less harmful - unless you compensate and drink a larger amount of it.

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Can you drink vodka?

Drinking alcohol (beer, wine and spirits (vodka, gin, whiskey, rum, etc.) in moderation is associated with better health and greater longevity than is abstaining or abusing alcohol.

Is heat cramps more or less harmful than Heat exhaustion?

less harmful

Can flavored vodka freeze if less than half empty?

Yes. If cooled sufficiently.

Is vodka stronger or whiskey?

Depends on the bottling distillation. Both Vodka and Gin are typically bottled anywhere from 80 to 100 proof. If a bottle of gin and a bottle of vodka both state on their label that they are "100 proof", they are identically "strong". If you get a bottle of vodka that is 80 proof, and a bottle of gin that is 94 proof, the gin is stronger, and so on.

Is whiskey more addicting than wine?

It all depends, wine is more socially acceptable so it might be easier to develop an addiction to it. However, if you "drink to get drunk" it would be easier to become addicted to a hard liquor like whiskey or vodka.

How many ml is in a shot of vodka?

A shot is 1.5 ounces which converts to 44.36 millileters.

Is vodka good for you?

Drinking alcohol (beer, wine and spirits (vodka, gin, whiskey, rum, etc.) in moderation is associated with better health and greater longevity than is abstaining or abusing alcohol.Read more: Is_vodka_good_for_youno it's bad for your body

What is the difference between whiskey and vodka?

Whisky is the kind traditionally produced in Scotland, while whiskey is any other type. Whiskey is distilled in Ireland, whisky in Scotland Here is a good article explaining the difference: