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Q: Is you feet bigger in the morning then at night?
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What walks on 4 feet in the morning 2 feet in the day and 3 feet at night?

a human

In the morning I have as many feet as you I am gone in the after noon and I might have more feet than you at night what am I?

A shadow. The shadow that a person casts in the morning is the same length as the person, then it disappears in the afternoon, and can grow longer in size during the nighttime when the light source is low.

Are your feet longer in the morning than at night?

No, it anything your feet are wider and longer after you have been standing on them all day.

Is am in the morning or night?

"AM" stands for "ante meridiem," which refers to the morning hours from midnight to just before noon. So "am" refers to the time period during the morning, not night.

Do males have bigger feet than females?

On average, men tend to have larger feet than women. This difference in foot size is due to genetic and hormonal factors, among others. However, foot size can vary greatly among individuals regardless of gender.

Do feet change size during the day?

Often, your feet will swell in the latter part of the day, although in some cases they could swell in the morning and be smaller at night. It depends a great deal on how much you drink, what you eat, how much activity you do, the temperature, how well your shoes fit, whether you are pregnant...

Which one is bigger inch or feet?

Feet are bigger.

Why is my bump is slightly bigger at night than in the morning?

its because when your asleep your baby slips more into your back and beacause youve not ate anything through the baby night, and when your up and about your baby starts to slip towards the front again and of course your eating throughout the day so thats why its bigger at night x

Are men's feet bigger than woman's feet?

no women's feet are bigger

Morning, noon or Night?


When is it easier to play basketball at night or in the morning?

Depends on how early in the morning or how late at night. But probably at night.

When was Morning Noon Night created?

Morning Noon Night was created in 2002.