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10 am.

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Q: Is your shadow longer at 10 AM in the morning than 1 PM in afternoon?
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What side is the shadow at at morning?

In the morning, a shadow falls from the East to the West. It is also short, rather than it being long in the afternoon. At an equivalent time in the morning, the shadow is just as long as it is at the equivalent time in the afternoon.

What is smaller than you at midday and bigger than you late in the afternoon?

A shadow. It is smaller at midday when the sun is directly overhead, and longer in the late afternoon as the sun starts to set.

Why is your shadow longer at 500 in the afternoon than 100 in the afternoon?

because the sun is at a smaller angle at 5:00. At noon the sun would be at about 90 degrees therefor shadow would be directly beneath you (depending on where you live, season, etc.) so at 1:00 it would be more above you than in front of you, so the shadow would be shorter.

Maria practiced the recorder for 40 minutes on Saturday she practiced 10 minutes less in the afternoon than in the morning how many minutes did maria practice in the morning. in the afternoon?

She practiced for 25 min. in the morning and 15 min. in the afternoon.

Why do the sun's rays feel hotter in the afternoon than in the morning or evening?

because intensity of rays is more in afternoon

Why is the temperature cooler in the morning than the afternoon?

because it is early spring get it right

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What happens to shadows in the afternoon?

Shadows are long in the evening and morning. They are at their shortest during mid-day. Shadows are also much longer in the winter than they are in the summer, due to the low sun angle.

Why do you weight more in the afternoon than morning?

Because you burn calories while sleeping

What it is your shadow in monrning will get?

If you spend enough time standing around, during a sunny day, watching your shadow, you can observe that it will quite long early in the morning, and it gradually gets shorter as you approach noon; after noon it starts to get longer again. Then at night time, it is gone. Although moonlight can also cast a shadow, much fainter than the shadow you can get with sunlight.

Is the shadow long or short in the evening?

The length of a shadow in the evening depends on the position of the sun. In the evening, when the sun is lower in the sky, shadows tend to be longer than during midday when the sun is directly overhead.

What are p m showers?

"p m showers" stands for afternoon or evening showers. It refers to rain showers that occur in the afternoon or evening hours rather than in the morning.