You can split 4 evenly among 2 people!
Everyday People
2 and 3Today, people don't explain why a number has to be divisible by 2 and 3 to be divisible by 6 or how it works.
If you multiply anything by 2 it always comes out even. So if people make 35 handshakes, we multiply it by 2 and we get 70 people. This will work with any different number of handshakes, odd or even.
there are 9 trios
A group of three
No, but a trio is a set of three things. For instance, the John Butler Trio is a band made up of three people. Here is the dictionary meaning:Trio n,pl trios 1. a group of three people of things. 2. a group of three instrumentalists or singers. 3. a piece of music for three performers......just what i said. ~ Joey Kaptein
She is a new girl that will be joining them on season 2. She does dance in group numbers and does trios with Chloe and Maddy.
Giovanni Punto has written: '20 horn trios' -- subject(s): Brass trios (Horns (3))
The probability that 2 people have the same number is 2 out of 10
no won
2 Guitars, Bass, and Drums. Also, in "Anthem of the Angels" and "Without You," There are string trios (Violin, Viola, and Cello).
You usually wouldn't use it as a plural. Trio means a group of three. You might say "the musical trios were competing against one another."