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Q: It's urgent How would you find the number of 'chalk molecules' it takes to write your name on the board What would i need to do?
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Related questions

Is chalk a mixture or a solution?

Chalk is a mixture, not a solution. It is composed of various compounds including calcium carbonate, but these compounds do not dissolve into one another to form a uniform solution.

Where can chalk be found?

near a chalk board

What pioneers used to write with on a chalk board?


What is the Luhya translation of chalk board?

The Luhya translation of the English words 'chalk board' is "lisisi lie ichoka".

What compound word goes with chalk?

A compound word with chalk is chalkboard.

How many moles in a teaspoon of chalk?

The number of moles in a teaspoon of chalk would depend on the mass of the chalk and its molar mass. You would need to know the molar mass of chalk and the mass of the teaspoon of chalk to calculate the number of moles using the formula: moles = mass (g) / molar mass (g/mol).

What is the size of the chalk board?


What is black when it is clean and white?

a chalk board

Where can i find the chalk brush in kick the boss 2?

maybe it might be near the chalk on the board

What is used with chalk?

You can use it in homemade toothpaste recipes in place of baking soda. Also used in the construction trade when 'snapping' a chalk line on a board, etc.

Why does surface of a reactant influence the rate of the reaction?

A chemical reaction is nothing but the conversion of the reactant molecules into product molecules. By increasing the surface area of the reactants more number of reactant molecules are exposed which eventually increases the rate of the reaction...for example, powdered chalk piece dissolves faster in water than a piece of chalk.

Is chalk board eraser conductor or insulator?

A chalk board eraser is an insulator. The foam or felt material used in erasers does not conduct electricity. This insulating property allows the eraser to effectively remove chalk marks without transferring any electrical charges.