"It has been raining since last two hours" is incorrect. "It has been raining for the last two hours." "It has been raining since two hours ago."
Not 230 hours since that is two hundred thirty hours!
There are 12 quarter hours in 3 hours, since there are 4 quarter hours in an hour.
There are 43,680 hours in 260 weeks, since there are 168 hours in a week.
There is no single answer since the correct ratio depends on what information you do have.
Since a day has 24 hours, 11 hours is 11/24 of a day.
It has been raining for two hours. It has been raining for the last two hours. or It has been raining since two hours ago. All are correct, the first one is the most commonly used.
It has been raining for two hours :-)
The correct answer is "it has been raining on and off since last Wednesday." This is because the present perfect continuous tense ("has been raining") is used to describe an action that started in the past and continues up to the present moment.
It has been raining for two hours.It has been raining since early morning.It has been raining since you came.How long have you been waiting me? - I have been waiting for you for about an hour.
I have been waiting for you…………… A. since early morning B. since 9 a.m C. for two hours D. all are correct
Who, or what has been raining; it. I believe that the word "it" is the subject of this sentence.
No, it is not. Since it is already raining why add MORE water? It may flood your garden. Plus you may get pneumonia.
No, it is not! The correct grammar is ...... 'since he joined' Hope this helped!
Yes, it is raining in Puerto Vallarta (not Vellarta) today. The day began with sunny weather and a temperature of almost 90 degrees Fahrenheit but has since dropped to the mid 70s and includes light rain.
The correct spelling is "ever since the world began."
since yesterday afternoon is correct. since + the point-in-time ; for + time range.
Apparently word just in, is that Richie, has since dumped Hayley, now whether my sources are correct, the dumpiong was via an email!! who knows