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To average 95 over 5 tests she needs a total of 475. She has a total of 376 so far, so 99 more are needed.

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Q: Jenny s test grades are 93 89 96 and 98 If she wishes to raise her average to 95 what does she need to score on her next test?
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Jennys test grades are 93 89 96 and 98 If she wishes to raise her average to 95 what does she need to score on her next test?

She needs a total of 5 x 95 ie 475 over the five tests. She has 376 so far, so she needs 99 in the next test. 93+89+96+98=376 she wishes to raise her average to 95=> 5x95=475 475-376=99

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you can raise your grades up by studying and paying attention in class.Pay AttentionAsk QuestionsDo your homeworkStudyDo classworkStay InvolvedKnow your due dates

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You need a 93

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No, you will just have to work hard to raise that GPA.

Will a A raise a B plus to an A?

It depends what grade is considered a "B+" and what your grade is, as well as what grade that "A" is, if the result can be an "A-," and what is considered "A-." Also, it depends on how many grades you already have in there. For example, if you have 89.90 and 100.00, with just a few other grades, obviously it'll average out to over 90.00. But say you have 89.00 and 95.00, and you've already got 100 other grades in there, it will still be a B+.

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study for the next test and get an A+ on it which will raise your grade

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How can you raise the average in a set of numbers?

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all depends on what you work...

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How can i get good grades fast?

Study a lot even though it might be boring. And do your homework all the time that should raise your grade