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Never. The patrolman is "chasing" him but going much slower so Juan will pull further and further ahead.

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Q: Juan is driving at 55 miles per hour when the speed limit is 55 a patrolman is 2 miles behind him and chasing him and 20 miles per hour when will they meet?
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Stick up your middle finger while holding your arm out the window.

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The legal alcohol limit when driving in Texas depends on a couple things. The legal alcohol limit is 0.08 BAC, if you are under 21 then the limit is set at 0.02 BAC and if you are a commercial driver then the limit is 0.04 BAC.

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The speed limit, conditions permitting. Driving slow only serves to aggravate those stuck behind you.

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25 MPH

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age 21 limit is .7 while driving

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its $270 driving over the limit.

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It depends on the local laws and on what the speed limit is.

Can you over speed to pass another car?

The speed limit is exactly that. The LIMIT. Driving faster than the limit can get you a ticket. So, No.