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Q: Kellie flips a penny and then a dime. How many results are possible?
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Who is penny on playmoshicom?

on penny is a brown penny that flips on its backmy username is gacie12343 please add my friends: brookiecp, allyrocker111, and audrey559900thanks!

What is the probability that a dime and penny are tossed in the air both that both land on heads?

One out of every four flips

What are all the possible outcomes for flipping or tossing three coins a dime a nickel and a penny in an organized manner and how would a tree diagram show these results?

There are eight possible results when flipping three coins (eliminating the highly unlikely scenario of one or more coins landing on their edge): Dime - Heads / Nickel - Heads / Penny - Heads Dime - Heads / Nickel - Heads / Penny - Tails Dime - Heads / Nickel - Tails / Penny - Heads Dime - Heads / Nickel - Tails / Penny - Tails Dime - Tails / Nickel - Heads / Penny - Heads Dime - Tails / Nickel - Heads / Penny - Tails Dime - Tails / Nickel - Tails / Penny - Heads Dime - Tails / Nickel - Tails / Penny - Tails

Is it possible to die by being hit by a penny?

Yes - if the penny is projected with enough force.

What actors and actresses appeared in They Mean a Lot to Me - 2009?

The cast of They Mean a Lot to Me - 2009 includes: Kellie Carter as Penny Rebecca Crowther as Rebecca Kathryn Worth as Jenny

Is salt and vinegar removing tarnish from a penny physical or a chemical change?

Removing tarnish from a penny with salt and vinegar is a chemical change. The reaction between the salt, vinegar, and tarnish on the penny results in the formation of new substances that remove the tarnish.

Is it possible to crack the sidewalk by dropping a penny from the top of the Empire State Building?


How would it be possible to make a penny evaporate?

no it is not possibale im sorry everyone

Why did you have to be so careful about having a clean penny when doing the gold penny lab?

Having a clean penny ensures that there are no contaminants or other substances on the surface that could interfere with the chemical reaction during the gold penny lab. Any impurities on the penny could affect the results and prevent the gold plating from adhering properly, leading to inaccurate conclusions.

Conclusion of the penny lab?

While the results vary for dropper size and the force you use to squeeze the dropper, you should conclude that water has a high surface tension and the penny held a lot of water.

Does a penny break concrete when dropped from the tallest building in the world?

Its possible but it probably won't happen.......