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Q: Key answers of multiple choice questions electronic communication systems by Kennedy tata magraw hill?
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What was true about Lyndon Johnson's actions as president is true?

Multiple-choice questions only work when the list of choices is included.

What is one thing John F. Kennedy was known for?

John F. Kennedy was known for his powers of oral communication.

What has the author J Kennedy Shultz written?

J. Kennedy Shultz has written: 'Questions Jesus asked'

What has the author Maud Kennedy written?

Maud Kennedy has written: 'A child's questions answered' -- subject(s): Children's questions and answers, Children's stories, Christian education of children, Miscellanea, Theology

Is Kennedy single?

Kate Todd

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Bailey Kennedy has written: 'More questions & answers' -- subject(s): Children's questions and answers, Parent participation, Critical thinking, Creative thinking, Thought and thinking, Study and teaching, Education, Questions and answers

Direct communication links set up during Kennedy presidency?

hot line

What did khrushchev and Kennedy install to prevent miscommunication?

The "Hot Line" for direct communication between both leaders.

What has the author Leo F Kennedy written?

Leo F. Kennedy has written: 'State legislative electronic data processing applications' -- subject(s): States, Legislative bodies, Legislation, Data processing

Why did Kennedy and Khrushchev communicate through letters and not via other forms of communication?

Kennedy's and Khrushchev's phones could have been tapped . Others could have been listening, like other countries.

What are the doubts that surrounded Kennedy's death?

There was some question about who fired the shots and where they came from. There were more questions about Lee Harvey Oswald's motivation for shooting Kennedy and then why Jack Ruby killed Oswald.

What caliber was the rifle John F. Kennedy was shot with?

JFK was shot from multiple directions with multiple rifles. It's just physics. Are you asking what caliber rifle Lee Harvey Oswald supposedly shot Kennedy with? That would be a 6.5 mm Carcano Model 91/38 rifle.