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Equation 1: L+D=(8x60) L+D=480 D=480-L Equation 2: D=L+((4x60)+40) D=L+(280) 480-L=L+280 -280 -280 200-L=L +L +L 2000=2L ----- ------ 2 2 100=L D=480-L D=480-100 D=380 it takes L 100 minutes and D 380 minutes it takes L 1hr 40min and D 6 hr 20 min.
They can also be expressed C D and L and they represent 100 500 and 50 respectively
Neither X, L, nor D, are 5 in roman numerals. X is 10, L is 50, and D is 500. 5 is always represented as a V in roman numerals.
L=50 c=100 d=500 m=1000
If d is the diagonal and h is the height Let, l=length of rectangle we have By pythagrous theorem d square= l square + h square therefore l square= d square - h square
Projectile 155 1.1D
L,L,L,D,R,U,R,R,D,D,D,L,D,D,L,L,U,L,U,R,L,L,L,D,R,U,R,R,D,D,R,R,U,U,R,U,U,U, L,L,L,D,D,D,L,L,L,U,U,R,R,L,L,D,D,R,R,R,U,U,R,U,R,R,D,D,D,L,D,D,L,L,U,U,L,L,L, U,U,R,R,R,R,R,U,R,D,L,L,L,L,L,L,D,D,R,R,R,D,D,R,R,U,U,L,L,L,L,D,L,U,D,R,R.
R,u,u,l,d,l,l,u,l,l,d,l,l,u,r,u,u,r,u,r,r,r,r,u,r,d,l,d,d,d,r,d,d,l,u,l,l,u,u,u,d,d,l,l,d,l,l, u,r,u,u,r,u,r,r,r,r,l,l,d,d,d,d,r,r,u,u,u,u,d,d,d,d,l,l,u,r,d,r,u,u,u,d,d,l,l,u,u,u,l,l,d,r, l,l,d,d,r,r,r,r,d,r,u,u,d,l,l,u,u,l,u,r.
d l d l r u u l d r d d l d l l l lu u r r u r r u r d l l l d l l d dr r r r u u d d l l l l u u r r ur r l l u l l d u r r d r r d d dl l l u d r u d r r u r r d l lu u u u r r d l u l d l l u l l d r r
U- Up D- down L- Left R- Right R,U,U,R,U,R,D,D,U,L,L,D,D,L,L,L,L,U,U,R,R,R,R,R,U,R,D,L,L,L,L,D,U,L,L,D,D,R,R,R,R,U,U,L,L,L, U,U,R,R,D,U,L,L,D,D,R,D,D,R,R,U,U,R,U,L,D,D,D,L,L,U,U,R,R,U,R,R,D,L,U,L,D,D,U,L,L,L,U,U,R,R, D,U,L,L,D,D,R,R,U,R,D.
This probably isn't the fastest solution to Soukoban level 51, but it works. L R R D L R R L L D L L R D L U R R R D L L R R R R L L U U R D L D R U R L L L U U L D R D L R R U U U L U R U L U R U L U L L R R D D D D D L R U L R U U L U L R R U L R D D D D L U U R U L D D D D R R R D D L D R L U U U U R L U R L U U R R L U R L D L L U R R L D D D R U L U R Hope I typed it right. Mieren Raje
l u u l u r r d l d d r u u l u u u l d d u u l l d d r l u r r u r d d d r d d l u u d d r r r u u l l d d r u r u l
R d l d d r r d d l d l u u u u l l d r d d d
l , d , d , u , u , r , r , r , d , l , d , l , d , l , r , u , r , u , u , l , d , d , u , l , d
D-Trash Records was created in 1998.
D-Block Records was created in 1994.
L=Left R=Right D=Down U=Up Infinite Health=U,U,U,L,D,D,D,L,U,U,U,L,R Infinite Ammo=U,D,L,D,D,L,D,D,L,D,D,D,L,R Alternate sounds=UUU,LUDUULDDDLUDDLR Comic book captions(Note Only Available As A Wampa On Hoth Hunt) =U,D,L,D,L,R ALTERNATE SOLDIERS=D,D,D,U,U,L,D,D,D,D,D,L,U,U,U,L,R, NO HUD= U,U,U,U,L,U,U,D,L,D,U,U,L,R